Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back to KLANG

The hardest thing to say is "GOODBYE"
you holding the tears
you can't show them you're vulnerable
but you are

along the journey
you passed through the sweet memories
and bitter falls
you reminisced about the life in UTAR

you know it's a choice to made
"Do I have a choice?"
"Am I making a correct choice?"
and you said...
"You have no choice"

you left your beloved
your pals
your memories
your goods 
your bads

you reminisced it along the journey
with the hold-back tears
and sorrow deep down inside your heart
you just can't let them go
isn't it?

Back to KLANG

1st thing 1st
Unload the luggage
clean up the room
throw all the clothes into washing machine
eat dinner... (ta pao outside food)

get a call from KW
"Hey, u back to KLANG jo?"
"Ya.. a few minutes ago."
"Want hang out?"

Then we watched CAPTAIN AMERICA with FM

It's a show about making sacrifice
for the things you loved
you won't back out
till the enemies sick of hitting you

Back to KLANG
it's weird
got some kind of "culture shock"
maybe too long didn't go home

then start busy again
Sunday morning attend Seminar
need time to apply PTPTN (again??!)
go school certify stuffs (again??!)
guess I never had a day without overload work...

it's a routine
you enjoy the routine
it's an illness
incurable illness
you move on
so do others

It's time to say goodbye to turning table---- Adele

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