Monday, December 3, 2012

Mature Treatments

I guess this is not the first time 
writing about 
mature treatment
I'm not saying that I am mature or something
but when comes to some incidents
or dilemma
or even solving problems
you still need a little bit maturity 
it's not just crucial
of course 
it is damn freaking essential
to keep hanging on 
in this cruel and ruthless reality

sometimes I don't understand why people 
need to seal themselves in a box within
never try to reach out to outside
always stay inside their "little" world
just don't understand why they need to torture themselves 
if they are mature enough
they will realize the importance of building connection 
as well as networking
someday these steps of reaching out
may results in something fruitful
and again
haters going to hate this
but it's the truth
try to think a little bit more
you may find the glimpse of light from the world outside

I'm not biased
but when things got worse
I would most probably sided with people with 
more matured
you can't be so selfish
so possessive
so "small gas"
you need to think big
not just grabbing someone so tight
that you were afraid they will fly
if you were a little bit matured
I guess letting go is the best option
cause everyone is free to make their choices

Your time is limited,
so don't waste it living in someone else's life
and don't try to interrupt other's life
you have exactly no right to do that
cause you are not the Creator 
so it comes back to how you treat the things maturely

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