Wednesday, May 8, 2013

To Our Kingdom

As a Malaysian
I’m proud cause we are living in multinational country
Where everyone respect each other way of living
Embrace each other culture
As well as enjoying each other company
Our land is so damn rich
We have our very own resources
Thus reducing the dependency towards foreign countries

As years gone by
Since Malaysia gained independence in 1957
The leader of the country aka Prime Minister
Had executed various policies
In which has influenced / contributed to the current situation
Most of it resulted in our “rapid” growth of our nation
And some causes unhappy incidents to occur
That’s kinda confusing at a point

Though we’ve embarked in a long journey since then
Malaysia is still at a baby step
Cause the peak of a developed country
Is where advancement occurs in both physical and mental growth
Looking at the physical point of view
Malaysia can be considered doing pretty good
Just look at the our capital KL, browse through our GDP
We are actually on the right track
Maybe the steps are slower compared to the neighboring countries
Yet we are “awesome” as we are

However when the lenses switched to the mental side
There are too many abnormalities
The prejudice, discrimination, and hatred
All started to corrupt the mind of the innocent people
With the advancement of the social network services
Which has become part of parcel of our lives
We realize that people had been dumbfounded
by the show put on by the political parties
not sure whether is a good thing or the other way round
people start to judge
express their thoughts
so that the world can hear their opinions
the next question is what the steps taken of the authorities
to ensure these voices are heard and
related plans are carried out
if else
the voices will get louder
and it might cause riot
and who to blame when that occurs?

So as a concerned rakyat
I don’t to be identified as my own race
I want to proudly say that I’m a Malaysian
Where peace and harmony is possible

And to “not-my-beloved” leader
 who ruled this dying kingdom
Use your magic wand wisely
Rule with wisdom
Not just empty promises
And always try to utter nonsense racist comment
(just because you didn’t win two-third)
You know once bitten twice as shy
People had seen the bad things that you’ve done
The past will come to haunt you if you done nothing good
We know you will do anything to crush the opponents
But you know as a branch on top of the tree
The rakyat will stop provides nutrients to you
At that time
You’ll fall
And go to the afterlife world with numerous sins and humiliation
Not just you
But with the companion of people around you
Who did the same thing like you
Is a karma
You never know what’s coming
But for sure
It’s not a good thing

so what else can who do
sit down and pray hard
and shake it out
cause the road for justice to prevail
still a long journey to go~

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