Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Me !!!

While everyone was happily ushering the brand new 2016, there are some people who just don't really care. That way of treating a whole new year is like "Oh well, no me importa (in Spanish)".
I consider myself as not too sentimental, not too cold-hearted, just lie between these two extremes, and try to stand on the tipping point at the same time.

There are few things that I would like to change in 2016. That's kinda my personal goal. It's kinda struck me that I've lived for a quarter of century, with 90% of my life stuck in the books and activities. In the midst of the hectic 25 years, I started to develop my own traits, my way of living as well as my own network.

It's pretty imperative as at this age, plus the contemporary pace of the world, you gotta be able to define yourself. Though I admit that I'd struggled so much to find the true identity and my way of living, I'm proud that I've come so far despite what a remarkable and trilled the ride was.

I guess being more matured is one of the main thing that should be executed. I think this applied to most people around my age. I mean, being 25, not having a stable career, still a postgraduate student, I'm pretty lacking behind my peers. Being matured as in injecting yourself with more current issues, as well as the way you treat people.

Learning to take harsh criticisms is one of the main key that everyone should learn. It's always easier to say than do. Every human being has a dignity or an ego. It's like an unbreakable wall made up of glasses. Once the wall is destroyed and bring to the ground, it's just a naked you. And you need to do is to use your bare hands, pick up those shattered pieces, build the wall back. Meanwhile, you may have incorporate a better solution such as concrete wall. There you build a better wall, not to defend yourself, but to face a greater challenge. Once in awhile, let the door in the wall wide open, welcoming any comments and feedback.

Well there are still many things that can be done in this year. But I think a new year is like a milestone for me. That's where you can really judge and score yourself. Nothing's wrong with being a better person than you were in the past. It's all back to how you want yourself to be projected in front of people. You want to earn the respect, be a person with a strong foundation of faith and treat people nice and well.

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