Sunday, February 15, 2015

Love Love Love

  Yesterday was the V Day. And of all days in a year, this date was chosen to be the imperative yet awkward day of the year. It could make you feel at two extreme polarized ends, namely the attached end and the unoccupied end. Resting at the unoccupied end for years, you started to feel like this day might be the worst day ever. (What a way to celebrate the lovely second month of the year.) You'll see pairs after pairs literally everywhere, whether in a fancy restaurant, at the cinema, or even in the streets. Little did you know how much these couples had gone through to make it this far, regardless it's their first time or annual ritual. 

  When these phenomena reflects on me, it could turn out to be either pathetic or simply ignorant. It's all depends on very own point of view, your intelligence and your maturity treatment of these scenarios. I categorized myself as an optimistic person, even I have my dark side which might somehow traumatized others for your rest of your life. Let's focus on the optimistic part. How does that make you feel when you see above stuffs? I was like, "Good for you, peeps!!" "Enjoy your Vday" or "That's so sweet" etc. But deep down, I am greatly praying and hoping the best for every pairs ever existed in this world, no matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgender life, I wish nothing but the best for you guys. (No sarcasm involved)

  Walking through pairs after pairs which happen everywhere, eating right beside lovey dovey in the restaurant, watching movie as well as side-show exhibited in the cinema, or even passing through left-hand-holding-right-hand attachment in the street, I'm totally cool. All this world is love, and love's totally in the air for this sacred day. 

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