Wednesday, November 13, 2013

More Than Anything

the moment when we hold each other's hand
the warm hugs
the passionate kiss
had became a surging force
to keep us moving on

love exists in this world
regardless its various forms
any two matters can fall in love
and it doesn't matter how people judge us

the tears that you shed
the laughter that we shared
the whisper that I made
it's all what it counts
and it will remains as our fond memories

though the misunderstandings
the jealousies
the quarrels
that whoever started seem pointless
but it shows the depth of love 
and we care for each other

making the first move is ain't easy
to commit is like to keep a flower
constant watering and sufficient sunlight
is very much needed
to sprout a flower 

since the world is ours
there should be no past to haunt upon us
the past is the past
we can just let go
and start our future

to be with you
it's worth
more than anything 

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