Everyone wants to do something crazy in their life, some to choose have goals, either a realistic or a fantasy.
But those can't change the fact that we are motivated by these fuels, filled with desires and dreams.
Everyone wants to be somebody in this world, regardless how large is the audience.
Thus, I can safely say that I'm not the only dreamer who strive the hardest to survive in this cold pathetic world.
As time goes by, I start to feel something.
Or maybe I observed certain change that good enough to change my perception.
That's what you get when you had your research topic changed over and over again.
You start to feel petrified, at the same time, it somehow makes you wiser.
It did though, to a certain extend, then you start to fret, and then questioning yourself about your life choices.
The next thing is filled with doubts and uncertainty, who play side by side along your way.
If I've not braced myself for this,
I might be just fled and do something else which guarantees a constant and peaceful return.
Instead, I choose to move on.
Not to something else, but delve into the same path. Now while waiting for the countdown clock to go off,
I just need to pray and work harder, I'm not into this for the sake of nothing.
Achieving something is prioritised.
Regardless it is not that all glorious, I shall find my own strength.
With the support of my loved ones, I shall fight till the end.
Snap away the haters with my diva snap, I shall flaunt whatever I have.
Stay hungry, stay foolish~~~