Friday, October 17, 2014

All About that Relationship

We know we should never ever trust the b
and being one myself
I’m constantly bombarded with various sticks and stones
but what the hell
who really care actually
we know the existence of superior
even if we do not acknowledge it

When it comes to relationship
well all about that relationship
There are so many uncertainties
that lies beyond the dark side of the fence
and we know how hard to get it blossom
with the right person
at the right time

Can this dream actually comes true
and what I have learnt from the past
(cause history never failed to repeat itself)
Time is the best answer for almost everything in this world
That might create another story of my life
and seriously
I’m very looking forward to
But do I have any holdback
Yes, of course!
The fear
The commitment issue
Perhaps holding onto certain stuffs that keep you busy
is a good thing
and I might just keep on moving on
nothing holding me back

till that person appear right there in front of me someday
and it's all about that relationship

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Arrival

We all know that we'll return to the Earth 
after we have gasped the last breath of the air
while waiting for that arrival
we made several choices
including going after the wonderful things
equipping ourselves like a Christmas tree
overloading oneself with countless problems
subjecting the mind to endless pressure

Having the near-death experience
optimism and positivism are the keys for a better life
Does it really matter after all
flying colours
awesome career
greater wealth
advanced tech 
while waiting for the arrival

Guess it's all about taking chances
embrace every moment
life's too short to be so assertive and so moody
Life is not a bed of roses
within the blossoming roses there exists the spiking thorns

Being positive and ignorant
Being optimistic and happy-go-lucky
these are the assets that one might need to treasure 
When the moment has come
grab it and make it chine
at least that's what I can do
while waiting for that arrival